To speed up WordPress on your own you will have to learn so many topics and technical details, it might well take you weeks to complete by following online tutorials, and the result is often times not what you would expect. Ever wondered why people prefer to visit a doctor instead of healing themselves following online tutorials? The results are just so much better when a trained professional helps you out!

Speeding up a WordPress blog can take us, with all our experience and know-how, up to a week – so you can imagine the amount of effort and labor invested in each optimization performed by Infinity360 Media East Africa.

Google Page Insights vs GT Metrix

Well, to get the best performance for SEO and user experience, it would be wiser to follow the official google page speed insights instead of the more lenient GT metrix. Google will be a little bit mean with the scores but it is worth following their guidelines.

Google page speed insights

What’s slowing your site down?

Trying to speed up WordPress or Magento on your own could break your site (yes, we’ve seen that happen). Speeding up WordPress can take an untrained, unexperienced person days or even weeks with variable and usually bad results. Trust us with your website!

With the introduction of Amazon EC2 and the easy availability of bitnami appliances, many have moved their WordPress sites on the Amazon cloud – without taking into account that they’re actually running virtual servers and that these servers can be optimized to run at least 50% faster! As our client base for website speed optimization increases, we can offer extensive Amazon EC2 appliance optimization services – just let us know what you need and we will do it.

Want to speed up your WordPress/Magento/ Joomla site up to 10 times? You are at the right place!

What’s slowing your site down?

Free Page Speed Insight Review

One of our clients told us a tragic story – their website was loading for 40 seconds (first load, no cache) – and that was with a European based, hosting company! After our swift intervention, in just 3 days, their website was loading at 3.6 seconds (first load, no cache) – more than 10 fold improvement in loading speed, that’s our best record so far.

Results may vary from hosting to hosting and from site to site – but the fact is, we always do a great job at speed optimizing Wodpress sites (and of course, other content management systems – but we keep our focus on WordPress).

Why is WordPress slow? (And for that matter, other complex CMS and e-Commerce systems like Magento, for example)

  1. The default database/revisions storage/htaccess are not optimized, and queries to the database are too slow
  2. Some permalinks configuration options are causing delay in the database queries/file queries (up to 10% speed penalty)
  3. The graphics used on the website are usually not optimized
  4. CSS/Javascript files/code is not optimized most of the time, multiple queries may be used instead of one, the same may be served uncompressed
  5. HTML is not optimized
  6. Instead of using CSS Sprites, people use multiple background images for design elements
  7. Sometimes the hosting company you are using has slow servers and / or slow network speed – and moving to a different hosting provider may have a great difference.
  8. The plugins you may be using may cause significant CPU usage on the shared hosting servers (including some of the most popular caching plugins)
  9. Many, many other factors!

How does Infinity360 East Africa help optimize speed?

    1. We optimize the Database used in your WordPress installation, and we enable automatic/semi-automatic optimization for the future
    2. We optimize .htaccess, so queries to the database would take less time
    3. We optimize the revisions storage – which could cut the database size in half (or more)
    4. We optimize all graphics used on the site and teach you how to optimize your future graphics
    5. We do CSS and Javascript minification, combining and compression – which greatly reduces query sizes and loading speeds
    6. We optimize, minify and compress your HTML code (even HTML5)
    7. We generate CSS sprite images, and replace multiple background design elements with just a few and a little CSS Code
    8. If needed, we can recommend you a list of FAST hosting companies (which are also pretty cheap, compared to SLOW and EXPENSIVE ones!)
    9. There are a lot of things we can’t list here in order to protect our KNOW-HOW. But our results speak for themselves!
