Instagram allows to create new posts from Desktop

instagram desktop

Great news, you can now upload your photos and videos, straight to from your desktop computer or laptop via your browser to your Instagram account. this feature was rolled out in the late hours of June 23rd.

Since it is a new feature, it is selective and not active in all accounts, in fact in my personal account does not have this feature, while on the official account it is.

How to upload pictures and video through an Instagram browser – desktop

The new feature can be accessed through a “plus” button that can be found on the top-right corner of the Instagram page, between the messenger and explore icons. See how it looks below:

instagramAfter clicking the button, a modal window opens up with the possibility to upload photos or videos. Here’s how it looks:


You can upload both photos and videos without any problem. Now it is not a must to use your phone to post on your Instagram wall.
